iGrad - User Guide

By: Team-iGrad Since: Feb 2020

1. Introduction

Welcome! Thanks for choosing to use iGrad. This official iGrad User Guide will help guide you as you explore the ways you can track your graduation!

2. Quick Start

Follow the steps below to get started with iGrad:

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 installed on your computer. Java 11 is bundled together with the Java Development Kit and can be found here

  2. Download our latest release!

  3. Copy or move the downloaded file into an empty folder.

    Ensure that the folder is empty! Doing otherwise might result in unexpected errors.
  4. Simply double-click on the file to begin! We hope we make tracking your graduation a breeze!

3. How to use this guide

You may proceed to Section 7, “Command List” if you would like to learn how to use each of the commands, and Section 10, “Cheat Sheet” if you would just like a list of all the commands for easy reference.

The figure below explains the symbols used throughout the user guide.

Specifies the constraints of the command or situation.
Specifies expected command outcomes.
Specifies extra tips you can use when navigating through our app.
Specifies important things to take note of

4. Features

Section by: Nathanael Seen

This segment highlights three key features iGrad offers to NUS students, namely; a Course Planner, an MCs Tracker, and a CAP Tracker.

If you would like a more in-depth overview of the actual components of our application, please refer to the next section; Section 5, “Components”, for more details.

4.1. Course Planner

iGrad was built with every NUS student in mind. Our flexible course planner allows you to plan a course of your own dreams, be it those of you doing a single degree programme, a double degree programme, and even a concurrent degree programme.

With our course planner, you would be able to enter your current course details such as your modules and the various degree requirements by which those modules are mapped.

(For instance, the Computer Science course has the various modules, highlighted in blue, and degree requirements, boxed in red):

graduation degree requirements
Figure 1. Computer science degree requirements

4.2. MCs Tracker

We are sick of counting our MCs at the beginning of every semester; be it counting the total course MCs left before you can graduate, or tracking the number of MCs left for those invidual degree requirements (boxed in green, in Figure 1).

With our MCs feature, you would be able to easily keep track of how close you are to graduation, as all this information is automatically updated and recomputed, each time you have completed a certain module.

4.3. CAP Tracker

No more googling for CAP calculators. iGrad’s CAP tracker helps you keeps track of your current CAP at every step of your journey in your course. In addition, it even offers predictive features so you know how well you have to do in order to achieve your dream CAP.

4.4. Everything Integrated into One Application

But the best part is that these features are all integrated into our application; iGrad. And with all these important pieces of information in one place, you would never go amiss keeping track of all your graduation requirements.

5. Components

This segment details the various components of iGrad. As shown in Figure 2 below, these components follow a hierachical structure, exactly like how an NUS course is structured.

hierachical structure
Figure 2. Hierachical overview of iGrad components

Here is how our application looks like (on a typical usage):

app screenshot ui
Figure 3. iGrad application screenshot

The following is the same screenshot of our application, but with the various components of our application highlighted:

app screenshot ui components highlighted
Figure 4. iGrad components screenshot

As per the screenshot above (in figure 4):

You may refer to Figure 2, if you would like a quick recap on the hierarchical structuring of these components.

5.1. Course

A course is simply a group of degree requirements.

It contains important information such as your current CAP, total number of MCs you have completed thus far, and semesters left before you can graduate.

In short, it helps you keep track of your overall degree progress.

5.2. Degree Requirements

Under a course are the various degree requirements, such as the ones shown in Figure 2 above; Computer Science Foundation, Mathematics and Sciences, and Unrestricted Electives.

Each requirement comprises of the modules you need to complete in order to fulfill that particular requirement.

Additionally, each requirement consists of important information such as the number of MCs you have already fulfilled.

5.3. Modules

Finally, modules are the basic building block of all the other components.

These could be modules you have taken, modules you are currently taking and modules that you plan to take.

Each module allows recording of other optional information, such as indicating the grade you have obtained for those modules.

6. Walkthrough

Section by: Daryl & Teri

This segment details a simple tutorial on how to use the application. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilise the main components of the application, and covers the following:

  • Choosing an Avatar

  • Adding a Course

  • Adding a course Requirement

  • Adding a Module

  • Assigning a Module to a Requirement

  • Adding additional details to a Module

  • Marking as Module as done and assigning a Grade to it

  • Tracking your academic progress: MCs and CAP

  • Exporting your data

Here is a 10-step guide on how to use iGrad.

6.1. Start up the application

Section by: Daryl

  • Open up the application by opening the iGrad.jar file.

  • Select an avatar by typing its name before pressing enter.

  • The avatar will act as your guide for the application.


6.2. Enter your course details

Section by: Daryl

  • Course refers to the name of the course you are currently enrolled in.

  • Enter the name of your course in the format: course add n/COURSE_NAME s/TOTAL_SEMESTERS

  • E.g. course add n/Computer Science s/2


6.3. Key in your graduation requirements

Section by: Daryl

  • Requirements refer to degree requirements needed in the entered course.

  • Enter your course graduation requirements in the format: requirement add t/REQUIREMENT_TITLE u/MCS_REQUIRED

  • E.g. requirement add n/General Education u/20


6.4. Add modules to the tracker

Section by: Daryl

  • Modules refer to modules that you have taken or are planning to take.

  • Enter modules into the system in the format: module add n/MODULE_CODE t/MODULE_TITLE u/MCs

  • E.g. module add n/GER1000 t/Quantitative Reasoning u/4


6.5. Assign your modules

Section by: Daryl

  • Assign modules under their respective requirements.

  • Enter assign in the format: requirement assign REQUIREMENT_CODE n/MODULE_CODE

  • Note: Requirement codes are generated by the system.

  • E.g. requirement assign GE0 n/GER1000


6.6. Key in additional details for your modules

Section by: Teri

  • Edit modules with additional information such as Semester. Other information that has already be input can be edited as well.

  • Enter edit to be done to the module in the format: module edit MODULE_CODE s/SEMESTER

  • Note: For Semester, it has to follow the format of Y_S_

  • E.g. module edit GER1000 s/Y1S1


6.7. Mark a module as done and assign a grade to it

Section by: Teri

  • A module is considered as done when a grade is assigned to it.

  • Enter grade for the module in the format: module done MODULE_CODE g/GRADE

  • E.g. module done GER1000 g/A+


6.8. Track your MCs

Section by: Teri

  • MCs refer to Module Credits.

  • MCs are automatically tracked and updated.

  • Total MCs count is the total of all requirement MCs.

  • MCs are fulfilled when modules that are within a requirement are marked done.


6.9. View your CAP

Section by: Teri

  • CAP refers to Cumulative Average Points and is out of 5 (max).

  • CAP is automatically tracked and updated.

  • CAP is updated whenever a module within a requirement is marked done with a grade.


6.10. Export your data

Section by: Teri

  • Data of your entire study plan can to exported to a comma-separated values (.csv) file.

  • Export your data in the format: export

  • Note: Data file can be found in the same folder as this application.


7. Command List

Section by: Yijie

This section provides a detailed breakdown of the various commands you may use in iGrad. Please read Section 7.1, “Command Format” to understand how our commands work!

7.1. Command Format

Section by: Yijie

This section explains the syntax for the commands in iGrad. You may move onto Section 7.2, “Help” if you are already familiar with our syntax which involves the command word(s), prefixes, parameters, specifiers and flags.

The table below summarises the components of our syntax, using module commands as example.

Table 1. Command Format Components
Component Description Example

Command Word(s)

Command words tell iGrad what command you are trying to perform.

E.g. module add.


Prefixes tell iGrad what kind of information you are trying to key in. A prefix consists of an alphabet followed by a forward slash (i.e. /).

E.g. t/ is the prefix for TITLE.


Parameters tell iGrad the information you want to key in. Parameters are specified in uppercase. Parameters come directly after a prefix, and you can chain prefix-parameters pairs.

E.g. In t/TITLE, TITLE is the parameter where you can key in your desired title.


Specifiers inform iGrad of the item you want to edit or delete. To differentiate them from the properties of the item you are trying to modify, they do not come with prefixes.

E.g. In the module edit CS2103T t/Hardware Engineering command, CS2103T is the module we are trying to edit, and Hardware Engineering is what we want to set as the new module title.


Flags tell iGrad to use a different version of the command. Flags consist of a dash (i.e. -) followed by an alphabet. Flags can only be indicated at the end of the command.

E.g. module add n/CS2101 -a adds a module by pulling its data from NUSMods.

We have also listed all the parameters and their corresponding prefixes in the table below. If square brackets (i.e. [ ]) are specified around a parameter-prefix pair, this means that the parameter-prefix pair is optional. However, do note that if all parameter-prefix pairs are indicated with square brackets, this means that at least one of them must be provided. Parameter-prefix pairs which can be entered multiple times in a single command are also indicated by ellipses (i.e. …​) behind the parameter.

Table 2. Parameter Prefix Pairs
Parameter Prefix













The two flags used in iGrad are listed in the table below.

Table 3. Flags




Informs iGrad to use automated module adding by pulling data of modules from NUSMods. Only used in the ModuleAutoAdd command.


Informs iGrad to use the or option when filtering modules. Only used in the ModuleFilter command.

7.2. Help

Section by: Yijie

This command opens up a help window for easy reference on the list of commands that can be used in iGrad. A link is also provided to direct users to the user guide for more detailed explanations.

Table 4. Help Quick Reference


Opens a help window with a list of commands





7.3. Course

Section by: Yijie

This section details each command used in manipulating the course. All course commands begin with the identifier course, followed by the action, e.g. set.

All course commands use the same parameters, as listed in the table below:

Table 5. Course Parameters
Name Description Example Restrictions


The course name

Computer Science



The total number of semesters you will be spending in NUS


Must be a number less than 100.

If the parameter restrictions are not strictly adhered to when issuing a course command, or if iGrad cannot find what you’re looking for, you might come across a common error. The following error is generic and may be encountered when dealing with any course command:

Table 6. Course Parameters Error Reference
Parameter Error Name


Invalid Course Credits

This error can be resolved by adhering to the restriction detailed in Table 5, “Course Parameters”

7.3.1. Course Set

This command sets the course.

Table 7. Course Set Quick Reference


Sets the course




course set n/Computer Science s/8

How it Works

When you type in this command, we take the values given for the COURSE_NAME and SEMESTERS and fill in those fields for your course. We do not check if the given course refers to actual courses in NUS. However, restrictions stated in the Requirement Parameters table still apply.

Table 8, “Course Set Error Reference” lists errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 8. Course Set Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Parameters Not Provided Error

All fields to be filled, course set n/COURSE_NAME s/SEMESTERS

Not all parameters needed to set the course have been provided

Provide all parameters prepended with their prefixes


Follow these steps to get a clearer idea of how this command works.

For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo changes made from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Ensure that you do not have a course yet. You may do so by deleting the existing course with the course delete command.

  2. Type the following into the command box: course set n/Computer Science s/8, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the course name and semesters updated in the top left corner panel.

7.3.2. Course Edit

This command edits the editable fields in a course which include the COURSE_NAME and SEMESTERS.

Course name does not need to be specified.
Table 9. Course Edit Quick Reference


Edits the course


course edit [n/COURSE_NAME] [s/SEMESTERS]


course edit n/Engineering s/8

How it Works

When you issue the command, we replace the fields provided with the given values. You are able to change the values as you wish as long as they follow the restrictions as listed in the parameters table.

Table 10, “Course Edit Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 10. Course Edit Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Parameters Not Provided Or Not Modified

At least one field to edit must be provided

Parameters needed to edit the course are not provided

Try specifying either the name or the credits, or provide a value that is different from the existing one


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo or delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands.
  1. Ensure that you have a course set.

  2. Type the following into the command box: course edit n/Computer Science s/8, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the course name and semesters updated in the top left corner panel.

7.3.3. Course Delete

This command deletes the course as well as all other information stored in iGrad. Please use with caution!

Course name does not need to be specified.
Table 11. Course Delete Quick Reference


Deletes the course


course delete


course delete


You may undo changes made from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Ensure that you have a course set.

  2. Type the following into the command box: course delete, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the course name and semesters disappear, as well as all other information in iGrad.

7.4. Requirement

Section by: Yijie

This section details each command used in manipulating requirements. All requirement commands begin with the identifier requirement, followed by the action, e.g. add.

All requirement commands use the same parameters, as listed in the table below:

Table 12. Requirement Parameters
Name Description Example Restrictions


A requirement’s unique identifier, automagically generated by iGrad based on the requirement title




A requirement’s title

Computer Science Foundation

Must contain at least one alphabet


The number of modular credits needed to fulfill the requirement


Must be a positive number less than or equal to 10,000


A module’s module code, used when assigning or unassigning modules to and from a requirement


Detailed restrictions are specified here, but the requirement-specific restriction is that the module must already be added to iGrad.

If the parameter restrictions are not strictly adhered to when issuing a requirement command, or if iGrad cannot find what you’re looking for, you might come across some common errors. The following errors are generic and may be encountered when dealing with any requirement command:

Table 13. Requirement Parameters Error Reference
Parameter Error Name


Invalid Requirement Code


Invalid Requirement Title


Invalid Requirement Credits

These errors can all be resolved by adhering to the restrictions detailed in Table 12, “Requirement Parameters”

7.4.1. Requirement Add

This command adds a requirement to the requirement list.

Table 14. Requirement Add Quick Reference


Adds a requirement




requirement add t/Computer Science Foundation u/32

How it Works

When you type in this command, we take the values given for the REQUIREMENT_TITLE and REQUIREMENT_CREDITS and fill in those fields for your requirement. We do not check if the given requirement title or credits refer to actual requirements as stated on NUS websites. However, restrictions stated in the Requirement Parameters table still apply.

Table 15, “Requirement Add Error Reference” lists errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 15. Requirement Add Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Parameters Not Provided Error

Added requirement must be provided with arguments t/TITLE u/CREDITS

Not all parameters needed to add a requirement are provided

Provide all parameters prepended with their prefixes


Follow these steps to get a clearer idea of how this command works.

For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo changes made from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Type the following into the command box: requirement add t/Computer Science Foundation u/32, and press enter

  2. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following in the requirement panel:

    Figure 5. Requirement "Computer Science Foundation" successfully added

7.4.2. Requirement Edit

This command edits the editable fields in a requirement which include the REQUIREMENT_TITLE and REQUIREMENT_CREDITS. The REQUIREMENT_CODE is not editable as it is a unique identifier assigned by iGrad.

Table 16. Requirement Edit Quick Reference


Edits a requirement




requirement edit CSF0 t/Engineering Foundation u/40

How it Works

Please type the requirement code in uppercase.

When you issue the command, we replace the fields provided with the given values. You are able to change the values as you wish as long as they follow the restrictions as listed in the parameters table.

Table 17, “Requirement Edit Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 17. Requirement Edit Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Requirement Not Found Error

The requirement code provided is invalid

The requirement you are attempting to edit does not exist

Try changing the requirement code to one that you can find in the list, or add a new one instead

Parameters Not Provided Or Not Modified

At least one field to edit must be provided

Parameters needed to edit the requirement are not provided

Try specifying either the title or the credits, or provide a value that is different from the existing one


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo or delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands.
  1. Ensure that you have the requirement "Computer Science Foundation", coded CSF0, in the list.

  2. Type the following into the command box: requirement edit CSF0 t/Engineering Foundation u/40, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following updated in the list:

    Figure 6. Requirement "Computer Science Foundation" successfully edited

7.4.3. Requirement Delete

This command deletes a requirement from the list.

Table 18. Requirement Delete Quick Reference


Deletes a requirement


requirement delete REQUIREMENT_CODE


module delete CSF0

How it Works

The requirement that you wish to delete is completely removed from the list.

Restoring the requirement is only possible using the undo command which would only work if delete was the last issued command.

Table 19, “Requirement Delete Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 19. Requirement Delete Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Requirement Not Found Error

The requirement code provided is invalid

The requirement you are attempting to delete does not exist in the list

Your problem is your solution!


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo objects deleted from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Ensure that you have the requirement with requirement code "CSF0" in the list.

  2. Type the following into the command box: requirement delete CSF0, and hit enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see that the requirement CSF0 disappears from the list.

7.4.4. Requirement Assign

This command assigns one or more than one module to a requirement.

Table 20. Requirement Assign Quick Reference


Assigns module(s) to a requirement


requirement assign REQUIREMENT_CODE n/MODULE_CODE …​


requirement assign CSF0 n/CS2103T n/CS2101

How it Works

The module must already be added in iGrad for this command to work! Refer to Section 7.5.1, “Module Add” to find out how to add a module.

Table 21, “Requirement Assign Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 21. Requirement Assign Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Requirement Not Found Error

The requirement code provided is invalid

The requirement you are attempting to assign to does not exist

Try changing the requirement code to one that you can find in the list

Module Not Found Error

The module does not exit in system

The module you are attempting to assign does not exist

You need to first add the module!

Module Already Assigned Error

The module is already assigned under the requirement

The module has been assigned to the requirement

Try assigning a different module instead


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo changes made from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Ensure that you have the requirement "Computer Science Foundation", coded CSF0, in the list.

  2. Type the following into the command box: requirement assign CSF0 n/CS2103T n/CS2101, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following updated in the list:

    Figure 7. Modules successfully assigned to requirement "Computer Science Foundation"

7.4.5. Requirement Unassign

This command unassigns one or more than one module from a requirement.

Table 22. Requirement Unassign Quick Reference


Unassign module(s) from a requirement


requirement unassign REQUIREMENT_CODE n/MODULE_CODE …​


requirement unassign CSF0 n/CS2103T n/CS2101

How it Works

The module must already be assigned to the requirement for this command to work!

Table 23, “Requirement Unassign Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 23. Requirement Unassign Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Requirement Not Found Error

The requirement code provided is invalid

The requirement you are attempting to unassign from does not exist

Try changing the requirement code to one that you can find in the list

Module Not Found Error

The module does not exit in system

The module you are attempting to unassign does not exist

You can add the module if you want


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. You may undo changes made from this tutorial by using the appropriate command.
  1. Ensure that you have the requirement "Computer Science Foundation", coded CSF0, in the list, with modules CS2103T and CS2101 assigned to it.

  2. Type the following into the command box: requirement unassign CSF0 n/CS2103T n/CS2101, and press enter.

  3. The message in the response box should change and you should see the modules disappear from the requirement.

7.5. Module

Section by: Wayne

This section details each command used to manipulate modules. All module commands begin with the identifier module followed by the action e.g. add.

All module commands use the same parameters, listed in the table below:

Table 24. Module Parameters
Name Description Example Restrictions


A module’s unique identifier


Must have two letters in the front, four numbers in the middle with an optional letter at the back


A module’s title

Software Engineering



The number of modular credits a module is worth


Must be a number


An academic semester. There are two semesters in a year


Must be in the format Y?S* where ? represents a digit from 0 - 4 and * represents a digit from 1 -2


A module’s grade


Must be one of the following: A+, A, A-, B+, B-, C+, C, D, D+, F, S, U

If, when issuing a command, the parameter restrictions are not strictly adhered to, you might come across some common errors. The following errors are generic and may be encountered when dealing with any module command:

Table 25. Module Parameters Error Reference
Parameter Error Message


The Module Code provided for the module is invalid!


The Module Credits provided for the module is invalid!


The Semester provided for the module is invalid!


The Grade provided for the module is invalid!

These errors can all be resolved by adhering to the restrictions detailed in Table 24, “Module Parameters”

7.5.1. Module Add

Section by: Wayne

This command adds a module to the module list.

Table 26. Module Add Quick Reference


Adds a module




module add n/CS2103T t/Software Engineering u/4 s/Y1S1

How it Works

When you type in this command, we take the given values for the MODULE_CODE, MODULE_TITLE, MODULE_CREDITS and optionally, the SEMESTER, and fill in those fields. We do not check if the given MODULE_CODE or MODULE_TITLE refer to actual modules offered by NUS. However, the restrictions stated in the module parameters table still apply.

Table 27, “Module Add Error Reference” lists errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 27. Module Add Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Duplicate Module Error

Sorry, this module already exists in the course book.

The module you are attempting to add already exists in the module list

Delete the existing module in the list and try again


Follow these steps to get a clearer idea of how this command works

For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. Undo or Delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands
  1. Check that you do not have the modules with MODULE_CODE CS2103T and CS2101 in your list of modules

  2. Type the following into the command box module add n/CS2103T u/4 t/Software Engineering and press enter

  3. Type the following into the command box module add n/CS2101 u/4 t/Effective Communication for Computing Professionals and press enter

  4. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following in the module panel:

    user guide\moduleAutoAddCommand\two modules
    Figure 8. Modules CS2103T and CS2101 successfully added

7.5.2. Module Auto Add

Section by: Wayne

This command adds a module to the module list. The module information is taken from the NUSMods API and includes the MODULE_CODE, MODULE_TITLE and MODULE_CREDITS.

Table 28. Module Auto Add Quick Reference


Adds a module from NUSMods


module add n/MODULE_CODE_A n/MODULE_CODE_B -a


module add n/CS2103T n/CS2101 -a

How it Works

Do not miss out the -a flag

When you type in this command, a request is made to NUSMods API. More specifically, we visit the module page and ask for the information provided there. An example page can be found here.

We try to get the module information from the current academic year. However, this might not always be possible as NUS might not have released the module details. As a contingency, we retrieve the module information from the previous academic year.

In general, using this command speeds up the process of module addition greatly. However, as we have to make a request to an external webpage, the time taken to process the request might be considerably longer.

After issuing the command, the app might seem to freeze. Not to worry! It is merely processing your request. Please be patient when executing this command, especially when attempting to add a large number of modules.

This command also supports batch processing and you can add multiple modules, with the necessary information all filled in, by issuing a single command. In the case where adding a single module in a batch of modules raises an error, we skip that module and let you know what went wrong.

You can add up to 10 modules at once! Try this: module add n/CS1101 n/CS1231 n/CS2030 n/CS2040 n/CS2100 n/CS2103T n/CS2105 n/CS2106 n/CS3230 n/CS3219 -a

Table 29, “Module Auto Add Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 29. Module Auto Add Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Duplicate Module Error

Duplicate Detected

Sorry, this module already exists in the course book.

Delete the existing module in the list and try again

Module Not Found Error

Module Not Found

Sorry, I was unable to find this module. Is your internet down?

Use the command Section 7.5.1, “Module Add” instead

Module Overload Error

Module Overload Error

Please do not attempt to add more then 10 modules.

Divide the list of modules into smaller batches of size less than 10 and try again

Connection Error

Connection Error

Sorry, I was unable to find this module. Is your internet down?

Whilst all other commands work offline. You need an internet connection to issue this command. Go online before trying again


Follow these steps to get a clearer idea of how this command works

For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. Undo or Delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands
  1. Check that you do not have the modules with MODULE_CODE CS2103T and CS2101 in your list of modules

  2. Type the following into the command box module add n/CS2103T n/CS2101 -a and press enter

  3. Wait for up to 5 seconds

  4. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following in the module panel

    user guide\moduleAutoAddCommand\two modules
    Figure 9. Modules CS2103T and CS2101 successfully added from NUSMods

Additional Information

We are also able to retrieve information pertaining to a module’s prerequisites and preclusions. However, as our app can function as a module planner in addition to tracking your graduation requirements, we do not prevent you from adding modules that have unfulfilled prerequisites but instead, simply show a warning.

As the prerequisites and preclusions from NUSMods do not follow any standard formatting, the warning messages shown might not always be accurate. This is due to a difficulty of interpreting the data given by NUSMods. This remains a BETA feature and we hope to upgrade it in time. ==== Module Done Section by: Wayne

This command marks a module as done by giving it a grade and optionally, a semester.

Table 30. Module Done Quick Reference


Marks a module as done




module done CS2103T g/A s/Y1S1

How it Works

When you issue the command, we give your module the grade, and optionally the semester, that you provided. This helps us keep track of both your CAP and the number of semesters you have left before graduating.

In order to calculate your CAP, we use a known algorithm which is guaranteed to be accurate. To see what semester you are currently at, we take the latest semester given to a module which has been marked as done. From that, we are able to tell you how many semesters you have left.

We do not currently allow the input of special terms. As a workaround, for modules taken during special term, you could input the most recent semester instead

Table 31, “Module Done Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 31. Module Done Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Module Not Found Error

Sorry, I was unable to find this module.

The module you are attempting to mark as done does not exist in the module list

Add the module you wish to mark as done and try again


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. Undo or Delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands

Ensure that you have the module CS2103T in the module list

  1. Type the following into the command box module done CS2103T g/A s/Y4S1

  2. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following

    user guide\moduleAutoAddCommand\one module
    Figure 10. Modules CS2103T successfully given a grade and a semester

7.5.3. Module Edit

Section by: Wayne

This command edits the editable fields in a module which include the MODULE_TITLE, MODULE_CREDITS, SEMESTER. Although it is possible to edit the fields as listed, it is unadvisable unless you made a mistake while keying in the values.

Table 32. Module Edit Quick Reference


Edits a module




module edit CS2103T t/Hardware Engineering u/8 s/Y1S2

How it Works

When you issue the command, we replace the fields provided with the given values. You are able to change the values as you wish as long as they follow the restrictions as listed in the parameters table.

Table 33, “Module Edit Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 33. Module Edit Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Module Not Found Error

Sorry, I was unable to find this module

The module you are attempting to edit does not exist in the module list

Instead of editing a module that does not exist, try adding a new one!


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. Undo or Delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands

Ensure that you have the module CS2103T in the module list

  1. Type the following into the command box module edit CS2103T t/Hardware Engineering s/Y1S1 u/8

  2. The message in the response box should change and you should see the following

    user guide\moduleAutoAddCommand\module edit
    Figure 11. Modules CS2103T successfully given a grade and a semester

7.5.4. Module Delete

Section by: Wayne

This command deletes a module from the module list.

Table 34. Delete Quick Reference


Deletes a module


`module delete MODULE_CODE`https://xxx[]


module delete CS2103T

How it Works

The module that you wish to delete is completely removed from the module list.

Restoring the module is only possible using the undo command which would only work if delete was the last issued command.

Table 35, “Module Delete Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 35. Module Delete Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Module Not Found Error

Sorry, I was unable to find this module

The module you are attempting to delete does not exist in the module list

Your problem is your solution!


For this tutorial, actual values will be given instead of placeholders. Undo or Delete objects created from this tutorial by using the appropriate commands

Ensure that you have the module CS2103T in the module list

  1. Type the following into the command box module delete CS2103T

  2. The message in the response box should change and you should see that the module CS2103T disappears from the module list

7.5.5. Module Filter

Section by: Wayne

This command allows you to find your modules by various parameters. You can filter the complete module list by SEMESTER, MODULE_CREDITS and GRADE.

Table 36. Filter Quick Reference


Displays a module list filtered based on the given parameters


module filter [s/SEMESTER] [u/MODULE_CREDITS] [g/GRADE] [-o]


module filter s/Y1S1 u/4 g/A -o

How it Works

Two options are provided for you:

[Option 1] Displays modules that match all provided parameters


[Option 2] Displays modules that match at least one of the provided parameters.

If the flag -o is included at the end of the command, Option 2 will be chosen. Otherwise, the default option is Option 1.

In order to display all modules once again, simply type module filter. This will display an unfiltered module list containing all modules.

There are no notable errors to list. If wrong parameters are given, the app will simply display the unfiltered module list. However, you should always take note of what filters are currently in place. If you are unable to find some modules after using this command, please reset the display by typing in module filter.

If you are unable to find some modules after using this command, please reset the display by typing in module filter.


Ensure that the following modules are in the module list:

Module Code Credits Semester Grade













  1. Retrieving modules which have 4 CREDITS

    1. Type module filter u/4 into the command box

    2. The message in the response box should change and you should see the modules CS2103T and CS2101 in the module panel

  2. Retrieving modules which have either SEMESTER Y1S2 or GRADE C

    1. Type module filter s/Y1S1 g/B -o

    2. The message in the response box should change and you should see the modules CS2101 and CS2040 in the module panel

Additional Information

This section contains information which requires prior knowledge of discrete mathematics or more specifically, logical operators

The flag -o, is present, sets the logical operator used in concatenating the parameters as "or". The default logical operator used is "and".

7.6. Export

Section by: Wayne

This command exports your data to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. This file can then be submitted to the relevant administration for processing of Leave of Absence (LOA), exchange programmes or internship applications.

Table 37. Export Quick Reference


Exports your data to a .csv file





How it Works

We write your data to a .csv file study_plan.csv using the modules you have added and include the fields MODULE_CODE, MODULE_TITLE, SEMESTER and CREDITS.

user guide\exportCommand\export csv example
Figure 12. Study Plan Example CSV
Modules that have not been tagged with a semester will not be written

After issuing the command, you will be able to find the file in the same folder as the app’s executable.

For example, if the app is stored in your Desktop folder, the file study_plan.csv will be created in the Desktop folder as well

Table 38, “Export Error Reference” lists the errors you might encounter after issuing this command:

Table 38. Export Error Reference
Name Message Explanation Solution

Write Error

Unable to write to file

Sorry, I was unable to export data to CSV file. Please ensure that you do not have the file 'study_plan.csv' open

Close the file and try again

Data Not Found Error

Sorry, I couldn’t find any modules that are tagged to a semester! I can only export modules that are tagged with a semester.

You do not have any modules tagged with a semester

Tag at least one module with a semester and try again

7.7. Exit

Section by: Wayne

This command assists you in exiting the program.

Table 39. Exit Quick Reference


Exits the program





Additional Information

You can also exit the program by clicking the close icon on the top right hand corner of the application’s window.

8. Version 2.0

Section by: Wayne

This sections details features that would be packaged with the next release

8.1. Module Suggester

Section by: Wayne

Using tried and tested recommendation algorithms such as collborative filtering, we would be able to automatically suggest to you what modules to take next.

Table 40. Suggest Quick Reference


Suggests modules to take




suggest 4

8.2. Integration with NUSMods

Section by: Wayne

We plan to integrate with popular timetabling application NUSMods so that you can manage all aspects of your academics in one place.

9. FAQs

I’m not an NUS student. Can I still use iGrad?

As long as your university follows a similar hierachical structure! However, we will be unable to provide features such as validation from NUSMods.

Do I require an online connection to use iGrad?

Nope! iGrad may be used offline. However, our validation feature which utilises NUSMods would be unavailable, and you’ll have to key in your module details manually.

Where can I get the icons for the avatars?

The avatar icons were obtained from Freepik. All credits go to the original creator.

10. Cheat Sheet

Section by: Daryl

This segment contains a consolidated view of all the commands utilised in iGrad. Commands are split into the following categories:

  • Essential Commands

  • Course Commands

  • Requirement Commands

  • Module Commands

10.1. Essential Commands

Table 41. Essential Commands
Description Command

Open the help window


Undo last command


Export data


Exit the application


10.2. Course Commands

Table 42. Course Commands
Description Command

Add a Course


Edit the Course


Delete the Course

course delete

Find out CAP required per semester for desired CAP


10.3. Requirement Commands

Table 43. Requirement Commands
Description Command

Add a Requirement


Edit a Requirement


Delete a Requirement

requirement delete REQUIREMENT_CODE

Assigns the Module(s) under the requirement.

requirement assign REQUIREMENT_CODE [n/MODULE_CODE…​]

10.4. Module Commands

Table 44. Module Commands
Description Command

Add a Module


Edit a Module


Delete a Module

module delete MODULE_CODE

Mark a Module as done. Counts the modular credits towards academic progress.

module done MODULE_CODE [g/GRADE] [s/SEMESTER]

11. Glossary

Terms Definition


A course is the entire programme of studies required to complete a university degree

Graduation requirement

Requirements specified by the university in order for a student to graduate


Each module of study has a unique module code consisting of a two- or three-letter prefix that generally denotes the discipline, and four digits, the first of which indicates the level of the module

Cumulative Average Point (CAP)

The Cumulative Average Point (CAP) is the weighted average grade point of the letter grades of all the modules taken by the students.


A semester is a part of the academic year. Each semester typically lasts 13 weeks in NUS.

Modular Credits (MCs)

A modular credit (MC) is a unit of the effort, stated in terms of time, expected of a typical student in managing his/her workload.


A timetabling application built for NUS students, by NUS students. Much like this iGrad!